Today, was not my favorite day. Breaking Weather is never fun, it means stress and juggling and general "fly by the seat of the pants" kind of day.
It is fun in the moment, gets your adrenaline going, but as soon as you leave the control room all the energy drains from your body. Your mind is fried, you're probably sweaty and have to pee.
But Icepalooza is here and that means wall-to-wall weather coverage and Kate becomes a ball of stress for 3 hours.
Then, I left work and got in what I now think is an awesome work out. I call it "Deicing a '99 Jetta" I spent 20 minutes trying to balance on a slick parking lot while scraping ice with a mad passion.
My heart rate went up, my arm muscles burned and my thighs were on fire from maintaining a squat position. Which is good, because I'm home now and I have no intention of doing anything but drinking beer and watching my DVR.
All hail Shocktop Belgian White Ale.
Nice! Enjoy.