Thursday, February 10, 2011


Is what I will look like the more this snow is on the ground. 

Tulsa's historic blizzard has me working crazy hours at work... and homebound when I'm not there because my poor jetta is too low to the gound to drive on this shit.

I'm getting up early to pack food and be ready for the 1st available ride to work... sitting at my desk basically writing the day away... bumming a ride back home... too exhausted to even think about getting on the treadmill.

The snow is sucking my will to live. 

I know I'd probably feel more energized if I did make time to go run or even just go for a walk... but I'm just too tired.

So I did another day of the 200 sit up challenge... made some healthy, protein laden food for dinner and do some Emergen-C to see if I start getting a boost. 

Please tell me you're all finding was to stay healthy and get a workout in despite #ohsnowyoudidnt 2011.

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