Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Getting back into it..

It's been 2 weeks since my last work out.

It was the Weds. before Thanksgiving and I had been going to the gym 5 days a week for 6 weeks leading up to the holiday.  I planned to take Thursday off and get right back into my routine.

Then I caught the bubonic plague.  I'm finally 100% and want to start working out again, but it's been so hard to get my body used to getting up early again.  Especially now that it's cold.

Basically what I do now is set my alarm for 6, then when it goes off I re-set it for 7:30 and go back to bed.  Every. Morning.

So I will again try to drag my lazy fat ass out ot bed in the morning to hit the gym.  Maybe this time it will actually happen.

How do you get motivated?

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