Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Being Aware

I was going to start my cleanse that I do once or twice a year this week, a post-Thanksgiving balancing if you will.

So I stocked up on the staples I needed and started prepping and planning and basically stressing myself out about doing it hardcore. 

After two days I stopped.  I've been doing a lot of yoga and running and trying to focus on my time management (and saying no to projects instead of taking on more) and decided I needed to stop and be aware of what I was eating, what I was doing to my body.

Stop pushing myself to the limit, stop eating too much processed foods, but not stress myself out if I do. I do yoga twice a week in addition to my running and make a point to stop and give my brain a rest and just breathe, relax, exist.

The funny thing is that I relaxed and I started eating better anyway.  I'm still not eating most processed foods, I'm listening to my body and sleeping more when I need to and drinking more water and green tea instead of soda.

I still have way too much on my plate, but starting in the new year I'll make sure to not sign on to so many projects.

I promise.

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