Tuesday, November 1, 2011

World Vegan Month!

You guys I get a whole month to celebrate my inability to eat meat and dairy!
      *(By inability I of course mean, my need to eat vegan to avoid bleeding to death.  Yay for auto-immune diseases)

Now you all know eating vegan has been a struggle for me, I miss some of my favorite carnivorous meals, I've cheated with cheese numerous times.  I'm a vegan with a problem.  So this 30 days is coming at the perfect time for me to find more vegan recipes and celebrate my way of life.

Well, I don't really consider it a way of life.  It's a diet choice plain and simple.

I kicked off vegan month with some Spanish rice with corn and black beans.  Delish!  now I'm trolling for more easy, new vegan recipes to try.

How can non-vegans celebrate?  Why don't you check out the 'recipes' tab and try a vegan meal... or check out some of the blogs listed that have many more fun, vegan options.

Go meatless at least once!

1 comment:

  1. I made a vegan meal the other night. It was good. Even if my husband wouldn't touch it. You have to really love black olives though, which I do.

