Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yoga on the cheap

So.  I'm broke all the time now.

My money is now tied up with bills, bills, bills, and more bills.  Vet, car, normal bills.


So I've had to cut back on my spending, to basically nonexistent.  I go out to eat once a pay period.  My credit cards are safely hidden away.  And I had to stop paying for drop in yoga classes.

So I got thrifty to get my yogi on.  I did a DVR search and found "Power Yoga with Adrienne Reed" on my cable it's on channel 110 several times a day (the same episode repeats) and I DVR the 7pm episode every day.

Each episode focuses on hips, legs, core/abs, flow, twists, etc. and Reed will tell you at the beginning of the workout.  I usually have several on my DVR because I do yoga every other day, so I can pick which emphasis I need that week.

It's a 30 minute workout that begins with Sun Salutations to warm up, then the focused exercises.  Reed is easy to understand and the class has people of different levels of experience to show the varied poses and modifications that can be made.

Each class ends with the corpse pose to relax and decompress your body from the workout.

I really like the classes. Doing them on my own schedule helps me immensely, but I am glad I have experience in actual yoga classes because that makes me more familiar with the poses, which helps a lot.

I even rearranged my room and took a nightstand out to the barn to make room for my yoga mat.

Bella really likes our yoga space.

I also added some YouTube workouts to my playlist.

I have a Roku box so I can watch YouTube on my TV. I haven't tried it yet but I have some Blogilates queued up to try soon.

How do you workout on a budget?

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